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オトナの恋 古典の歌詞から LOVE from classical words of song

オトナの恋 古典の歌詞 伝統邦楽(純邦楽)


Otona no Koi (adult love)Classical Lyrics Traditional Japanese Music (Pure Japanese Music)

 In the classics, love was also expressed in a tasteful way.

音楽のジャンルは 今も歌舞伎で聴ける伝統邦楽です



恋心は主に クドキと言う しっとりパート で歌われます。

The genre of music is traditional Japanese music that can still be heard in Kabuki.

 There are Nagauta, Kiyomoto, and Tokizu (

The performance and singing at the puppet Joruri is Gidao. It's not a song, it's a story.)

 The composition is an intro, an A melo-like part, a chorus, kudoki (a part to taste), rhythmic beatings, etc.

Love is mainly sung in the part that feels the depth of the emotion. 


 ♪ 逢うた夜短し 逢わぬ夜長し 来ぬ夜 轍 仲良い同士に唄われる それが私が願いぞや (小原目のクドキ)

 (逢った夜はあっという間なのに 逢わない夜は長ーい。あなたが来ない夜は車輪の跡みたいよ。仲良し同士でラブラブ、と言われることが私の願いなの)

(The night we meet goes by quickly, but the night we don't see you is long.) The night you don't come is like a wheel mark. We are two people who love each other, and I hope that everyone will say so.)


 ♪ そなた思えば照る日も曇る 鑿 nomi や才鎚 sai-zduchi カンナまで そなたの顔に見ゆるとは どうした因果なことじゃいなぁ


 (When I think of you, it seems to be cloudy even on a sunny day.) Even the carpentry tools can be seen on your face. I wonder what kind of fate you and I will have.)


 ♪ 恋をする身は籬 magaki の小菊 露に葉ごとの濡れまさる エェしょんがいな 色香含みて 愛らしき





 (In love, I'm like a small chrysanthemum blooming near the lattice door between the store and the entrance in the Shiba fence or the playground.)

When you love each other, your whole body becomes more attractive. I can't believe I can say that. But it can't be helped. The daughter loves each other and becomes adorable including the color incense)

* Magaki is a simple bamboo fence or shiba fence. In addition, it also means the lattice door of the playground. A prosperous big playground is called a rough one.

Therefore, imitation also means the playground itself.


 ♪ 恋にもはるか十寸鏡 masu-kagami 尾ろの妻恋う山鳥の 徒 ada な仮寝もつれなきを 末 白菊の玉鬘 tama-kazura 人目の関は越えもせで 枕の咎や みだれ髪


 (Love grows.) A mountain bird who thinks of his wife, and the trigger of infidelity and infidelity is untangled. Such love is like a fruitless Kazura, and I don't know what the future holds. I can't avoid public eyes and rumors, but this morning's disheveled hair is a pillow sin.)


十寸鏡 「増す」と掛け言葉。ますみのかがみ(真澄鏡)」の略。古今和歌集の時代からの言い回し。知的センスある恋心ですね!


玉鬘 花は咲くのに実は成らないカズラ。


② 能の一。四番目物。金春禅竹(こんぱるぜんちく)作。「源氏物語」の玉鬘の巻に基づく。玉鬘の霊が,旅僧に昔語りをし,心乱れるありさまとなるが,僧の弔いによって成仏する。

白菊 「しら」→「知らない」掛け言葉


 ♪ 濡れて天飛ぶ 雁が音の 翼 交わして離れじと 頼る野寺の庭うちへ しばし佇むふたり連れ

 (愛し合い空を飛ぶ二羽の雁が互いに「離れないぞ」と翼を交わす。二人の仲を助けてくれそうな野の寺の庭に 佇む二人)

 (Two geese who love each other and fly in the sky exchange wings to say that they will not "leave" each other.) Two people standing in the garden of a field temple that seems to help the two of them get along)

濡れて オトナの契りの意。

翼を交わす 昔々は 寝るときに着物を敷いて(布団代わり?)寝たそうです。



独り寝は「衣 片敷く」ころもを片方だけ敷いて寝る。寂し〜様子がリアル。

loveではないけれど ことば遊び

長歌 『半田稲荷』

♪ 別れた後の一杯が 杉の森から千鳥足


 (Finally, I drank too much (cedar) at one more restaurant alone.) The cedar forest is also famous in Edo)

清元 『鳥羽絵』

♪ アララ 怪し あや四四の十六文で九官鳥はみたれども


 If you know the Japan multiplication table, you know how interesting it is.

AYASHI "SHI" is connected to "4")


地方さん(じかた 演奏者)も、きっと「日本人にニッポンの伝統芸能・伝統音楽を伝えたい!」と思われて公開されてるのでしょう。




 You can also search for Japanese music on YouTube.

I'm sure the performer also released the video thinking "I want to tell Japan people about traditional Japanese performing arts and music!"

Please listen to the songs and performances of various musicians and masters!

Certainly, the people who were there at that time, the life of that era, and the song are the lyrics, composition, and song!

That's why you can expand your imagination and imagine the scene of the times!





踊りにも唄にも演奏にも人の想いが詰まっています。 恋、嬉しい、寂しい、ツラい 、全部人の気持ち。あなたへ響きます

 Even if you're a complete beginner, no problem!

Because people's hearts are the same.

There is no difference in the way people feel about people, right?

The same goes for the performing arts. That's art.

The dances, songs, and performances are filled with people's feelings.

Love, happy, lonely, tough, all human feelings. Echoes to you


ぜひ、風情を楽しめる日本人になってね そして、 お稽古して、身につければ、後の人へ繋ぐ大人になれるのです!

 Today, "music that feels the atmosphere" is one of the treasures of Japan.

Please become a Japan person who can enjoy the atmosphere.


If you practice and master the traditional arts of Japan, you can become a person who will lead to later generations.

日本舞踊 実乃鈴 MINOSUZU


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