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実乃鈴の浮世絵と日本画 [蚊帳と美女たち UKIYO E "KA YA & BEAUTIES " +2 videos by MINOSUZU ]

蚊帳・・・昔は夏の必需品 (特に長家住まいの庶民の味方!)


(憎〜っくきモスキート!  痒いだけでも めちゃ ご立腹な上に、感染源にも! )

Mosquito nets used to be a necessity for summer, especially for the common people who lived in the long house!

It's one of the great wisdom of our ancestors

Hate the Mosquito! It's angry just to itch, but mosquitoes can also be a source of infection!




Mosquito nets that have become an art form

Mosquito nets were an everyday item, but they had a unique charm, so they wanted to use them as motifs for both painters and haiku poets

 [ 吊り初めて 蚊帳おもしろき 月夜かな  池西言水 ]


How quaint is the moon seen from through the mosquito net that has begun to hang.

 [ 起きて見つ 寝て見つ 蚊帳の広さかな  浮橋 ]

中は案外 広く感じて、なんだか面白くなった様子ですね

I wake up and look at it, lie down and look at it, and enjoy the fact that the mosquito net is unexpectedly large

今では 珍しくなった蚊帳ですが、中は きっとワクワクする空間 ♪



「蚊帳の別れ」秋に蚊帳を仕舞うこと 秋の季語   

 [ ばつとして 寝られぬ 蚊帳の別れかな  胡及 ]


In the fall, at night when I put away the mosquito net, the room is large and bright, and I can't sleep

"KA-YA NO WAKARE" ( Autumn word in HAIKU ) Farewell to mosquito nets

KI-GO  seasonal word ; seasonal indicator in a haiku, such as the moon for autumn 







上村松園さんの傑作の一つです。美女が着る夏着も涼しげ . . .ステキ!

には、何か . . .ホッとする気持や、心を しんとさせる不思議な力がありますね

 実乃鈴のワクワク浮世絵 蛍 MINOSUZU ukiyoe " lightning bug"

Do you see a firefly flying to the lower right that this beautiful woman looks at?

It is a Japanese mosquito net. This laid futon and I hang it like a canopy and use it. A mosquito net is small thin cloth of eyes very. By the way, unlike a mosquito, the firefly has mysterious power to let the heart of the person soften.

The craftsman making a mosquito net will think the summer night when a person to employ has an uneasy sleep little, to be able to sleep.

I think the heart to be identity.

Voyez-vous une luciole voler à l'inférieur droit que cette belle femme regarde ?

C'est une moustiquaire japonaise. Ce futon posé et moi l'accrochons comme un baldaquin et l'utilisons. Une moustiquaire est du petit tissu mince d'yeux très. À propos, à la différence d'un moustique, la luciole a le pouvoir mystérieux de permettre au cœur de la personne de s'adoucir.

L'artisan faisant une moustiquaire croira la nuit d'été où une personne pour employer a du sommeil troublé peu, pour être capable de dormir.

Je crois le cœur pour être l'identité .


The soft existence of the firefly rouses the original will of the painter.



writer 日本舞踊ARTIST 実乃鈴 MI-NO-SUZU


お問い合わせフォームから お気軽にご連絡ください

The appearance request to 実乃鈴 MI-NO-SUZU

Please contact me from an inquiry form

 Regardless of home and abroad








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