師のリハ 靱猿 2 masters of the HIHON-BUYOH (JPN's traditional dance) a rehearsal
とても貴重な 舞踊マスターたちのリハーサル映像!
A very valuable rehearsal video of dance masters!
「靱猿」の、ほんの一部分ですが、生粋の日本舞踊を身に付けたい人ならば、充分 お勉強できます
うつぼざる 【靭猿】
① 狂言の一。
② 歌舞伎舞踊の一。常磐津。本名題「花舞台霞の猿曳」。二世中村重助作。1838年初演。①によるもの。
③ 長唄バージョンもあります。1869年(明治2)二世杵屋(きねや)勝三郎作曲。純演奏曲。①を長唄にしたもの。
It is only a small part of "a container for arrows and a baby monkey", but if you want to learn authentic Japan dance, you can study it well
The daimyo wants to use the skin of the monkey that Saruhiki is carrying as a UTSUBO to put arrows in, but he gives up because he is disgusted by the child's mischief. Saruhiki makes the monkey dance in return.
(2) One of the kabuki dances. TOKIWAZU。 The main title is "Flower Stage Kasumi no Saruhiki". Nisei Nakamura Shigesuke. Premiered in 1838. (1) is arranged in kabuki
Authentic Japan dance is performed live
Of course, this rehearsal was also lined up with Tokiwatsu guys (players)
Each song is played and sung differently by the PLAYERS and the dancers, even if it is the same song
The "Dancer's Room" is better suited to the groove of feelings, therefore,
Dancing artists make requests to the performers
"Stretch your performance a little bit there" and "Sing it refreshingly" in the same way as a band or orchestra rehearsal