ニッポンの着物ワザ【引き箔】金銀の箔を織り込む技術です HIKI-HAKU technic of KIMONO
【引き箔】HIKI-HAKU 緯(よこ)糸に金銀箔を細く裁断した糸を織り込む技術
Technology for weaving a thread made by finely cutting gold and silver foil into a weft thread
箔(はく)が施された着物は キラキラ光る金箔や銀箔が、生地に織り込まれた着物や帯です(高価ですー) でも、本物の金や銀が織られる??のは、不思議でしょう?
Glittering gold leaf and silver leaf are kimonos and obi woven into the fabric (expensive-) But it's strange that real gold and silver are weaved, right?
引き箔 世界唯一のテクニック
First of all, we really processed metals such as gold, silver, and platinum, and spirals (nacre work of shellfish) into ultra-thin pieces,
2、そのパーツを 一旦、模様デザインの通りに1つ1つ置き、
2. Place those parts one by one according to the pattern design,
4、絹糸と一緒に織る 3. When it is finished, the whole thing is cut into thin thin threads,
4, woven together with silk thread
高級友禅・振袖・婚礼衣装、つまり、第一礼装(最高の礼装)に施される豪〜華な技術です High-class yuzen, swinging sleeves, wedding costumes, that is, it is a gorgeous technique applied to the first wedding dress (the highest courtesy attire)
このように、とっても豪華な、世界オンリーワンのテクニックを考えた人とは、一体どんな方だったのでしょう! What kind of person was the person who thought of such a world-only technique!
The ideas of our predecessors and the technical capabilities that can be realized! I'm amazed at that.
Creative Japan Traditional Dance Artists MINOSUZU