日本のお正月のあれこれ 浮世絵動画 Japanese New Year with UKIYOE clip
日本舞踊の実乃鈴の のんびり読んでねBLOG
今回は 『お正月』
Japanese dance of Minosuzu introduces Read BLOG
This time, "New Year"
Japanese people value New Year's Day
People have prepared and prepared for the new year without dragging the hassles of the old year until the end of the year."We don't want to bring nasty things into the new year. I want to change my mind and do my best with a fresh mind in the new year."Japan used to be an agricultural powerhouse. However, there were years when the eruption of sunlight, heavy rain, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions caused to be extremely poor.Famine in Tenpo: The rise of the enormous rice price swelling due to the great famine of the whole country in 1833-36, and the devastation of the farm village. In various places, the scart is one after another. The war of Oshio Heihachiro in 1837 deepened the agitation of the shogunate.famine, water and food shortagesPeople may have wondered if they had touched the wrath of God, but the lack of food itself is a terrible thing.
I guess that's how the year-end party started.
お正月の江戸市中は 新年を祝う門付け(屋敷や店の前で演じる注文的な大道芸)で賑わったそうです。笛や締め太鼓などの音楽が溢れ、町中が良いムードだったのですね!
越後獅子は角兵衛獅子と呼ばれた、新潟から 6月〜秋に江戸へ出てきた大道芸人です。
日本のお正月についての特集記事はHPのBlogへどうぞ http://mico-stage-dance.wix.com/mi-no-suzu?_ga=1.78177876.1309749035.1442388071
The New Year's ceremony where the good luck charm is happy as for the lion dance The humped-head goldfish is covered with by a head and is danced for New Year holidays in Jap That's a lucky action to be " perfect state of health " if bitten by a lion dance performer for New Year holidays. . . . Read more → http://mico-stage-dance.wix.com/mi-no-suzu?_ga=1.78177876.1309749035.1442388071 shishimai; 【説明的に】a dance performed in a lion's mask (developed from an act of exorcism on New Year's Day) (!exorcism は「悪魔払い」の意) .
Even today, people from all over the world who work in traditional Japanese occupations value New Year's events.The world of performing arts such as Noh, Kyogen, Kabuki, Kyosuji (Hanayanagi), Japanese music, dance, and traditional technical professions such as shrine carpenters and gardeners, and tea ceremony, flower arrangement, and martial arts also welcome the New Year in a proper way.
諺 [ 1年の計は元旦にあり ]
好運は きちんとした人を好むと言われますし・・・
先人を見習えば、きっと良い福を受け取る人になれると思いませんか(^ ^)
"The total of the new year is on the morning of New Year's Day, so celebrate New Year's Day and spend it meaningfully."
If you overslept on New Year's Day, a year will be better for you if you get up early and have a good New Year's Day.For a long time, the number of people who go out in everyday clothes increased even though it was New Year's, and my mother sometimes gave a wry speech."Is it ALL the first day of the year, the start day?" Don't you dress properly? 」Good luck is said to like decent people.Behave and be polite to yourself, to the people around you, and to the environment.I think that the person who learns the good point of the predecessor can become a person who receives good fortune surely.
初荷は、 正月の初商いの日に,荷を美しく飾って取引先のお店や会社へ届けることです。今でもそれをする業者さんがいらっしゃるらしいです。素敵ですね。
The new year's greeting is also done by the manager and the business owner of the shop.The first load of HATSU-NI is On the first business day of the New Year, it is to decorate the shipment to the shop and the company of the business partner beautifully.There seems to be a trader who does it even now. It's lovely, isn't it?
自然と共に生きた時代の人々にとって [ 新年を迎える気持ちは重要 ] だったのです!
"The unpleasant thing ended in the old year."Luck will turn around in the new year.Reset your feelings and enter a new year of hope. That is Japanese spirits.For people in the days of living with nature, it seems that the feeling of the new year was important.
衣食住・家庭・勉学・仕事・健康・人間関係・経済・自然災害 . . .
Food, clothing, housing, family, study, work, health, human relations, economy, natural disasters.The sadness of a person's life is "drawn" before the New Year, and the new Year's eve bell separates 108 obsessions and is reset by the first sunrise. We will live again with new power.
【煩悩】BON-NOH ; all human desires and passions that disturb your mind. (キリスト教でいう seven deadly sins―pride, covetousness, lust, anger, gluttony, envy, and sloth もこれに類する)
▸ 煩悩を断つcut off [get rid of] all human desires and passions.
▸ 煩悩⦅世俗的な欲望⦆に勝つのは難しい It is difficult to overcome earthly desires.
The Japanese will clean the house in December.We are ready to entertain the New Year God.(Kadomatsu, Kagami-mochi, And Shime-kazali) In the old days, people who were good at living seem to have renewed their best clothes for the New Year.
O-SE-CHI cuisine ; (special) dishes for the New Year's Day.
縁起物 EN-GUI-MONO ; Lucky charm things (food , goods ,say and do)
1つずつでも縁起が良い上、3つ揃うと縁起の良さはもっと良い。吉祥の象徴として祝い事に関連する様々な物に用います。和歌・俳諧・祝い歌の歌詞・衣類の柄・贈り物の添え物など。 松は神の木とされます。能舞台でも描かれてますね。
Even in winter, shochiku keeps green,Plum blossoms open fragrant flowers first in the new year. It is good luck even one by one, and it means more auspiciousness if three are aligned.These are used as symbols of Yoshiyoshi for various things related to celebrations;The pine is made a tree of God.
New Year decorations made with pine branches, bamboo sticks, and plum tree sprigs, (which are) set up on either side of the front door [gate]. 松葉a pine needle.
[Matsunouchi] while there is a pine decoration of the New Year. From New Year's Day to the 7th or 15th. New Year's season words.
【松の緑】松の新芽。若緑。季春 「長唄・松の緑」は禿(かむろ)が松の太夫に昇ることになぞらえ発展栄華を祝った歌詞です。詞は加藤千蔭の和歌に継いだもの。作曲は杵屋六翁(四世六三郎)。
[MATSU-no-MIdoli Green pine] fresh bud of pine. Young green. Season Spring "Nagauta, Pine Green" is a lyric that celebrates the prosperity of development like that kamuro rises to the pine tayu.
松は苗木のときから棟(MUNE: the ridge)や梁(はりHALI ; beam.)になる素質をもっている。[ 大成する人は子供のときからすぐれたところがある] 意味。
同じ諺:栴檀(せんだん)は双葉(ふたば a seed-leaf()より芳(かんば)し。
Sen-dan’ seed-leaf tree give off [release] a fragrance.
Great talent shows itself early in childhood.
鏡餅;an offering round MOCHI ( rice cake )for God & Goddess .
子供のころのお正月は、明けても暮れてもお餅でしたね。御雑煮のお餅には大喜びでしたけれど . . . お鏡はカチンコになるでしょう?ちょっと かなんかったです。カチンコ餅を水分にずーっと浸けたり、油で揚げたり(冷めたらもっとカナン)とにかく工夫して、神さまパワーをもらってたのですねー。
"Because it is a rice cake where God was there, power is in it, so let's eat it and get power! " When we were children , New Year's was always a rice cake!I was overjoyed at the rice cake of Ozoni, but . Kagami-mochi will harden, won't it?In each household, the cured rice cake was soaked in water for a long time, fried in oil, and devised anyway, and God's power was received.Mochi is a symbol of fertility.Now, he puts money in a Pochi bag and gives it to his children, but at first he put mochi in the Pochi bag and gave it to children and employees.The main point is buming now.It is wrong to give a lot of money to a child who is not troubled with food, clothing, and shelter.That's not the case, and I think it's love.