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浮世絵 こたつと火鉢 2動画付き KOTATSU & HI-BACHI heaters JPN Ukiyo-e +2 clips

実乃鈴への各種ご依頼を承っております お気軽にご相談くださいね ⑴ 日本舞踊 出演  各種舞台・レストラン・ホテル・日本文化イベント・新作発表会・上顧客へのパーティ等々 ⑵ 日本舞踊 振付  ⑶ プロアーティストへのお稽古。一般へのお稽古 

「I love KOTASTU !Natsukasi-i!」(カナダの友人) 京都の大学で英語教師をしていた頃の四季をいつも懐かしく思い出すそうです。お正月・ひな祭り・お花見・柏餅・梅雨・浴衣・祇園祭り・線香花火・五山送り火・紅葉・・・そしてコタツ。

カナダ人も大好きな こたつの始まり 室町時代以前から、「燠火(おきび)」になった囲炉裏の火かの上に紙子(和紙製の着物)を敷いて足を温めていた・・・とても危険でしたね! 室町時代(又は江戸時代説あり)囲炉裏の上にやぐらを置いて、布団をかぶせるスタイルが「掘りごたつ」「切りごたつ」として定着したそう 一方、昔々、禅宗のお坊さんが 日本にもたらした行火あんか)に こたつのやぐらをかけたのが「置きごたつ」又は「岡ごたつ」に

移動可能な素晴らしい知恵! 土火鉢(瓦製の火鉢を木箱に入れたもの)も登場  My canadian friend always remembers fondly the four seasons when he was an English teacher at a university in Kyoto. New Year's, Hina Matsuri, Cherry Blossom Viewing, Kashiwa Mochi, Rainy Season, Yukata, Gion Festival, Incense Fireworks, Gozan Sending Fire, Autumn Leaves, and Kottsu. 「I love KOTASTU ! Natsukasi-i! I miss you.  Canadians love too KOTATSU's the beginning Before the Muromachi period, after the fire in the hearth became "OKI-BI fire", it seems that the foot was warmed by laying made of paper on it ...But the source of the fire! It was very dangerous!  There is a theory in the Muromachi period or the Edo period, but it seems that the kots of the style of putting a yagura on IRORI and putting a futon over it became established as "Digging gota" and "Cut gota". Other hand, Once upon a time, zen buddhist monks brought an ANKA to Japan with a kota-no-yagura called "OKI-GOTATSU. This was mobile and great wisdom. As a variation of this, the one that the brazier made of the tile named the earth brazier was put in the wooden box also appeared.

 江戸時代にこたつが急速に発達していったのは、 木綿の普及と、木炭・たどんなど燃料の増産が行われたから それまでは、庶民の普段の衣類は麻

木綿の生産が発達し、木綿の布団が普及し、綿入り布団も こたつにかけられるようになりました ちなみに木炭、練炭、たどんのこたつでは 一酸化中毒が多かった 1955年(昭和30年)頃から普及した電気ごたつ。最初はまるで売れなかったそうですが、熱源を赤にしたら、爆発的に売れたとか。色が人に与える効果は大きいですね!  The reason why kotakots developed rapidly in the Edo period was the spread of cotton and the increase in the production of charcoal and carbon and fuel. Until then, the usual clothes of the common people were made of hemp. The production of cotton developed, and the futon of the cotton came to be put on the kotako by the common people and the futon where the cotton entered.  By the way, there were many oxidation poisonings in charcoal, briquettes, and tedonkotako, so electric cot was an epoch-making invention. Electric gotas have been popular since around 1955. But at first it didn't sell at all.Then, when the heat source was turned red, it sold explosively. The effect of color on people is big!

火鉢ひばち HI-BACHI 火鉢は簡単な調理や保温にも使えました熱燗や小鍋やら。

火箸にもたせかける仕草は、火鉢の前に居る人は よくしたようです。 This is naga-hi-bachi long brazier. It was also used for simple cooking and heat insulation. Hot water and SAKE and small pots . It seems that both men and women have been well taken this pose to put on HI-BASHI fire chopsticks.


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