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日本舞踊 実乃鈴の洛中 朝さんぽ

日本舞踊 artist 伝統ってワクワク!

実乃鈴の のんびり読むブログマガジン 

MINOSUZU's blog " Knowledge of various about JPN" magazine that read leisurely This time “ about sakra blossoms “

日本舞踊 実乃鈴の洛中 朝さんぽ


(観光地は早朝だけが静か。人も少ない。地元は みなさん早朝派。毎朝一番の6時に清水さんに行きはる派も少なからず居はります)


I pack my breakfast in a tapper container and eat it in the park like a bento.

I went out to see the state of the cherry blossoms again in the morning to the comfort. My mother is with me.

楼門くぐったら 絵になる桜が居ました。

When I passed through the tower gate and entered the precincts, there were cherry blossoms that would become pictures.





Behind the clock,

Airplane clouds extending vertically into the blue sky!


"It's rare."


八坂神社の方も、朝は順に社を周って二礼二拍手 ご挨拶されます。

「ありがとうございます」 声をかけてくれはりました。






石が並べられたぎざぎざエッジの石橋にもいろいろと 良い思い出が。


Maruyama Park.

The jagged-edged stone bridge lined with stones also has many good memories.

Currently, this area of the river is undergoing restoration work on looks.

When it is ready, the water is drawn again.


We was attracted to sakura flowers that can be seen through the morning sun...

 ♪ 春は花 いざ見にごんせ 東山 (舞妓の踊り 京の四季・春)


♪haru ha hana iza mini gonnse Higashi-yama

Speaking of spring, flowers ,Let's go to Higashiyama to see it. . .

(Maiko's Dance: Kyoto's Four Seasons and Spring Lyrics)

(Night cherry blossoms competing for beauty will not be performed again this year)


Maruyama parc's famous weeping cherry blossoms " Good morni〜ng!."

柳の美にも気付いてね。水辺の柳も都ならではの風情。鴨川沿いの柳も絵になります。Notice the beauty of the willow.

The willow by the water is also an attractive taste unique to the capital.

The willow along the Kamo River is also a picture.

春の円山と言えば 有名な枝垂れ桜。祇園枝垂とも言われます。


Speaking of Maruyama in spring, it is a famous weeping cherry tree.

Famous painters keep their figures in their paintings.


その大作は 見事でした。不思議なことに、描かれたかがり火が揺れてました。それはお弟子さんも一緒に見ております。




(八坂枝垂れは 今年もライトアップはされません)

I shot from the side of the eye for a while.

But this tree is too big to photograph the whole.

As with plum blossoms, the cherry blossoms still look good in the blue sky.



今は、10代のこども成人なりたてでも中堅でも、全員が 思いやりからの判断(遠慮や慎み)をした方が良い時やねぇ。

このサイトで お花見気分になってもろたら嬉しいです。



Thyon-in Temple.

Large and large restoration work completed safely

MIYA DAIKU special carpenters The result of the efforts of carpenters. They have inherited the wisdom and techniques of architectural techniques that are unique to Japan through restoration work such as large temples and daijingu shrines. Those architectural techniques has been 12 handed down in JPN from generation to generation.

  Well, what a big , splendid ... I think it's always amazing.



BTW , " 華頂山 KA-CHO-ZAN " written by Emperor REIIGEN(the Emperor REI-GEN [1654-1732] the 112th Emperor (reign [1663-1687]). Emperor Gosuio's 19th Prince.

Don't Miss that golden character ! It's a good character!

知恩院は家康・秀忠の庇護があって どエラく立派になり、きっと、立派な出で立ち効果もあって今に残っています。人は立派なルックスに弱いもの。


(他には元天皇家関係者用の寺もあります。門跡と言います、が、天皇関係ゆかりでもマウンティングはいけません。人権に問題をきたした寺院がニュースになり、裁判にもなりましたよね。もはや寺が精神修行の場とは言えなくなってるのなら 失礼なこと。先人は悲しむか怒るでしょうね。僧たちはゲキオコは恐れないのかしら?考えないのかしら?一般の観光客は良いスポットと相変わらず人気みたい)

The Cheon-in temple became very splendid because of the protection of Ieyasu and Hidetada.

There is also the effect of the building in a splendid outing and it remains now. People all over the world are vulnerable to good looks.

So there are big temples and churches everywhere in the world.

(There are other authoritative temples for former emperors.) Mon-ZEKI,

Because they are related to the emperor, the building and the tone are splendid. It is also popular with tourists.

However, Ninna-ji temple which became dorsy in the feeling of obtaining the privilege, and brought the problem to human rights became news, and it became a trial.

The temple's restaurant serves temple dishes. The plaintiff in the trial was a chef, who was made to work for many years without a break and was not allowed to take a day off. had been. The man was not a monk.

If the temple is no longer a place for spiritual training, excuse your fore. Our forelads will be sad or angry.

Don't the monks fear it? You don't think about it? You don't reflect?

Ordinary tourists think that it is still a good spot only by name value. We call the temple Black.Though!

知恩院は、もともとは開祖 法然師がごく近所に草庵を結んだ場所だそう。


草庵とは文字通り 粗末な仮設の小屋、草葺き(屋根が草)の小さな家。粗末な仮住まいの事です。


果たして、今。法然師は(何百年も宗派を継続するためとは言え)こ〜んなに豪勢に構えた状態を どう見てらっしゃるのかな?  ふと心によぎりました。

Thyon-in temple was originally the place where hoh-NEN, the founder, built SOH-ANN in the very neighborhood of its current location.

In The French Sutra in Japan, poor training huts are said to be "tied" without saying that they will be built. Is it because it is a place to connect yourself with the Buddha?

SOH-ANN is literally a shabby temporary house, such as a shabby temporary hut or a small house with a thatched roof.

Hoh-NEN, the founder, said, "Since it is a place of Buddhist road training, the mind and spirit take precedence. You don't need to look great."

That's why I think I lived in a shabby hut.

Really, now.

How does HOH-NEN see such a state of great power, even if it is to continue the sect for hundreds of years?

It suddenly passed my heart.





The desire to prepare the object of respect splendidly. That's normal.

The splendid temple also inherits the world's only architectural technology in Japan.And it's a shame to thank you. Everyone doesn't choose cheap things for important people. Everybody put my favorite important things and favorite things in a beautiful box. "want to decorate beautifully and gorgeously" That's a natural way of representing respect, but...

but . . . The important thing is not to be involved in the times.

大事なことと言えば、例えば、最近 オドロイタこと!


・・・なんか・・・違う と思いはりません?

 The important thing is, for example, that I was surprised recently!

The god tree bowed politely and the people who put their hands together and wished for their desires and desires were trampling on the seed that the god tree dropped with their feet! !

Don't you think something is different? People who forget important things literally say, "I don't see my feet."

Because of that, they don't notice the rudeness to trample on the object they worship!

知恩院で言えば、最も大切とされるはずの場所が いーつも汚れてる。見兼ねてティッシュを出して拭き掃除したことも複数回。





Speaking of The Thyon-in Temple, the place that should be most important is always dirty with dead leaves and bird droppings.

I wiped and cleaned the tissue. More than once.

Cleaning is not a pain at all.

I'm a dancer and a professional, so cleaning is a natural thing. Cleaning is a thank you to the place.

If you're insensitive without cleaning other places...??

The god of performing arts seems to surely transfer the heavenly punishment and the reward though it is slow.

I can't be proud.







Not everyone is perfect. No matter how old you are, you'll make mistakes.

But everyone realizes their fault.

"It would be good if the world was filled with people who noticed their failures."

"Well, I'm sure it's going to be a good !!! 」

などなど 話題は巡りつつも、



(ブロッコリーの卵とじや鶏さんの蒸焼きなど 簡単なお弁当でしたが、おいしく感じて大満足 (⌒▽⌒))





While the topic such as,

The good morning air of Maruyama Park washed my mind and refreshed me.

The breakfast was very good.

(It was a simple bento such as broccoli egg and steamed chicken, but I was satisfied with it (⌒▽⌒))


I planted some seeds of 1 god tree in the park.

It is several grains rescued because I have witnessed the seed to be stepped on.

I hope the seeds will sprout well.

では、今日もみなさんの日が良い日になりますように!! And now May today be a good day for everyone!!


MINOSUZU   Collaboration between Japanese dance and current music

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