手拭いブラボー!歴史的な重宝グッズ!(浮世絵動画付き)TE-NUGUI & UKIYOE movie
日本舞踊 実乃鈴の の〜んびり読む ニッポン自慢!伝統じまん!
MINOSUZU's blog " Knowledge of various about JPN" magazine that read leisurely This time “ about TE-NUGUI "
和のタオル 手ぬぐい。
(江戸期には四尺 約1.2M、五尺 1.5Mのもあったそう)
使い方は、重力で落ちる美、が求められます。 TE-NUGUI is Hand-towel or washcloth or facecloth .
Japanese hand towel. One width (The unit of width of a wide-width cloth. 30-36 cm) cotton cut into about 90 cm is a standard te-nugui size.
In the Edo period, there were about 1.2M and 1.5M.
Silk is a prop of Japanese dance. It is longer than everyday use. The use requires beauty that falls by gravity.
手拭い 家事・仕事・お化粧にも重宝グッズ
ーマンスする為)が「海外旅行にお勧め!」と。 使い勝手は多い手拭いでしが、国産タオルよりお高くなってしまいました。
It was useful for housework and work. Hand towel that was not only for bathing.
Don't let the women's hair and kimono dirty when they go out with dust, or make sure they get dirty when making up. men used it to wipe the sweat. The application is various.
Because it is thinner than a towel, it i
s also an advantage that it dries quickly. Recommended for overseas travel!
Now, hand towels are more expensive than domestic towels, but they are often easy to use. If it its price that is a little easier to buy, I think that it is easy for junior high and high school students to buy. The thing of the toshi tradition must expand the base of the servant.。
公演中の楽屋では化粧前かけ。着物おでかけの際の食べこぼしカバーや、お稽古中には、汗が着物に響かないように衿にかける布としても。 (でも 汗かきさんはタオルのほうがいいみたい)
てぬぐいリユース 下鴨さんの葵の紋の手拭いを、何年も よーく使ったら、生地が薄〜くなりました。
始末の心=元祖SDGs 良い部分をだけ切って、端をかがって、ブックカバーに!
手拭いの柄 デザインに込められた願い
ニャンコは人気柄です。さらに、古典柄を1つ持つと良いですよ! お勧めは・・・ 麻の葉、桜、梅、柳、青紅葉、青海波 せいがいは、紅葉、扇、傘・・・ 扇は末広がり、縁起良い。
なのに、なんでドロボーに? 江戸期の花嫁さんは、大風呂敷に花嫁道具をカバーして嫁入りしたそうです。大風呂敷は、新婚一家の繁栄を願われた唐草模様が多かった。ドロボーは、その風呂敷に盗品を包んで逃げた!それが、唐草模様の印象を悪くしてしまったと聞きました。輿入れ道具なのに!悪いんはドロボー!です!(唐草やない!悪いやつは必ずバチが当たるんよ!) でも、1度ついた印象の払拭は・・・なかなかやねぇ。 It is good to have one classic pattern.
My recommendation is hemp leaves, cherry blossoms, plum blossoms, willows, green leaves, seiiha Aominami, autumn leaves, fans, umbrellas...
The fan is said to be spreading at the end, and it is auspicious.
The inside of the umbrella is protected. Amulet design.
Plum blossoms are good flowers that bloom at the beginning of the year,
Cherry blossoms are idols of Japan,
Willows and green leaves bring freshness from early summer to summer,
Autumn leaves make you feel the coolness of autumn in summer as well as autumn.
I think hemp leaves are a great design that still feels new. It is a design of the wish that I want you to grow healthy like the leaf of the hemp which grows quickly. It seems to have been a staple of baby clothing from the Edo period.
Aomi wave is the design of the wave. The design of the wish so that the happiness does not run out like the wave.