実乃鈴 花の長谷寺へ MINOSUZU visited to the FLOWER temple HASE DERA
奈良の桜井の、歴史ある 長谷寺へ参りました
春はやはり、桜 シャガや山吹、石楠花などなど[名にしおう]
素晴らしい自然の息吹から [ 負けないパワー。跳ね返すパワーを得る ]
みなさまも、ある日のわたくしの見た 美しい景色をどうぞ
I hope you will enjoy the beautiful scenery of my day in the video
I visited the historic Hase-ji Temple in Sakurai, Nara
Flowers bloom in each of the four seasons, so it is popular as a flower temple
In spring, after all, cherry blossoms such as shaga, yamabuki, and stone chestnut flowers [worthy of the name]
I thoroughly enjoyed the scent of the wisteria flowers that were already blooming
I also tasted real soba noodles and it was a good day
Every day I feel overwhelmed when I think of conflicts and disasters in Japan and abroad
From the wonderful breath of nature [The power to resist negativity.] Gain the power to bounce back ]
And to be alive
I am naturally grateful to be able to do so in peace
We can't live without gratitude