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ニッポンのつつじ azalea JPN

日本舞踊 artist 実乃鈴の伝統ってワクワク! 読むブログマガジン 

MINOSUZU's blog " Knowledge of various about JPN" magazine that read leisurely This time “ about TSU-TSU-JI azalea"

つつじも 良い香りがする花ですね TSU-TSU-JI has good fragrance blossom.


My mother & Tsu-tsu-ji

つつじが 素晴らしい!とそっとハグしてました。

母の娘で良かったと思うことは多々ありますが、こういうところも 踊りの達人になるはずと思わされます。

My mother said, "Azalea flowers are wonderful!" I said and gave him a hug.

There are many things that I think I was good about as a mother's daughter.

I am convinced that my mother should be a master of dance.


右は 応挙の藤

しかるべきお値段がします(⌒-⌒; )

じーーーっと 見れば見るほど







Japanese-style paintings that match the season were cut out from the catalog and collected and decorated.


そして、ここ恵山(えさん)へ。まるで、全山がつつじみたいでした。文字通り つつじの山!綺麗でしたよー!それに、木の背丈が高めでした。街の植込みとは違う生命力の強さを感じました

When we visited a couple in Hokkaido before, I drive to Hakodate. And I went here to Esan.

It was like the whole mountain was covered with a tsing. Literally a mountain of the next!

It was beautiful! Besides, the height of the tree was high. I felt the strength of the vitality different from that of the city's planting.

街のつつじの さみしいお話






疲れて帰ってきた時に ふわりと良い香りがすると気分が一気にあがりました!



見兼ねて うちからペットボトルに水を入れてあげに行ったこともあります。


あのつつじたちは どうするのかしらと気になりつつつも、よその花ですし・・・(実は・・・1度、ちょっと引っ張って見た。ですが、根っ子ガッシリ! とても移植や株分けなど出来ない強さでした)

ある日、突然工事が始まりました。一瞬、言おうか 迷いました、職人さんに「帰りに持ち帰るから、つつじのプランターをとっといてくれませんか?」でも電車の時間が迫っていて余裕がなくて・・・では夕方に、と思いました。


今でも、この季節には ごめんね と一緒に思い出します。



A Sad Story of Azalea in the City

Because it is well planted in Japanese planting, people seem to get used to it, and some people are lightening flowers ...

That's a shame.

It is not wonderful to disregard everything because it is accustomed to seeing.

The bank in the middle of the slope lined the planter along the outer wall, and there was Azalea there.

In season, Azalea bloomed brilliantly and smelled good as it passed by.

"The season is going to early summer."

It was a flower that taught me the season.

When I came back tired, I kindly smelled a good fragrance. It seemed to have been nikkori to me, "It was a back one".

It was a good fragrance and I felt healthy at the same time. Love.

But the bank did not water the flowers.

I can't understand why bankers didn't realize that flowers needed water.

I also went to water from my house with water in a plastic bottle.

One day, the bank was demolished.

What are those flowers going to do?

I was bothered about it, but I couldn't put it out because it wasn't my property.

One day, construction suddenly began. I walked by and knew.

For a moment, I was wondering what to say.

I asked the construction craftsman, "I'm going to take it home, so will you put the next planter on the road?" 」

But at that time, the time of my train was approaching. I couldn't afford it. I thought, "Then, in the evening."

By the time I got home, the bank was already surrounded by temporary enclosures. At that time, there was no appearance of the craftsman.

Planters were also out of sight in the enclosure.

Even now, in this season, I remember it together, "I'm sorry."

At that time, I could have transplanted it to the park if I had called out to me.

It's because of a little bit of my hesitation.

I couldn't rescue that brilliant Azalea. It is a sad memories.



⑴ 日本舞踊 出演

 各種舞台・レストラン・ホテル・日本文化イベント・新作発表会・上顧客へのパーティ、特別な日の芸術鑑賞 などなど

⑵ 日本舞踊 振付


⑶ プロアーティストへのお稽古。& 一般へのお稽古


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