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大坂→大阪 大阪発祥はいろいろありました There are many things that originated in Osaka.


大阪は やっぱり面白いですね!

Osaka is currently divided into kyoto and popularity in.

OSAKA is an interesting place!





最も重要な お米もふんだんに集まりました。

” OSAKA is the nationwide kitchen “

It's a famous word. All kinds of food were gathered from all over Japan. Osaka and Kyoto are close by, and there is a reason why the boat luck using yodogawa was active, too. In Osaka, the most important rice was gathered in abundantly.

① 大阪では、世界初の先物取引を開始したそうです。

In Osaka, the world's first futures trading was started.

わたくしは、無い物に対しての取引をするということは、さっぱり?? 正直なところ、興味は . . . 個人的にはございません。

広重のこの絵には、取らぬタヌキのなんとやら . . .な男たちの熱気が描かれています。


粘る男たちには、水をかけたとか . . . まさに、そんな男もいますね。熱くなった人には、水をかけるしかなかったくらい、熱気にあふれた現場だったのでしょう。

Now, the time of the start and end of the transaction is the sound of the bell, but the men who water ed it in OZAKA (OSAKA) were signals the end when watering it.

The men of Mizu-kata poured water on the men who did not end the deal. There is exactly a man who runs away by putting water, too. For those who didn't get cold, i had no choice but to put water on them.




1620s (early Edo period) Osaka-no-Dojima- The u.S.A. exchange called Yodoya Rice Market was built at yodoyabashi's front in Nakanoshima, Osaka. The rice market, which is the foundation of the Japanese economy, was an indispensable distribution market in Japan at the time. Osaka also has a large port for carrying rice by boat, and the volume of rice handled is one of the best in Japan.At that time, about 5 million stones of rice were on the market in Japan, of which about 4 percent of them were traded in Osaka alone.


大坂のこと about O SAKA (OH SAKA) & O ZAKA ( OH ZAKA )



O O ZAKA ; The main part of the Osaka Plain (the Ikoma Kongo Mountains in the east and the Izumi Mountains in the south).

 1871 (Meiji 4)Osaka prefecture changed the Kanji Until then, it was pronounced O O ZAKA, but the reading was changed to "O O SA KA".

1496年 蓮如が(山科本願寺の支坊として)今の大坂城の場所に石山本願寺を建立し、1534年に蓮如が移住。




 The priest, Renjo, built Ishiyama-Enji temple in the place of Osaka Castle, and in 1534, Renjo emigrated as a branch priest of Yamashina Honganji Temple. Nobunaga's terrible attack and 11 years of fighting, but burned down. We hate outrageous humanity like Nobunaga.

1583年 その跡地に、秀吉が大坂城を築き,以来 商業が発達。


In 583, Hideyoshi built Osaka Castle on the site of the building, and since then, commerce has developed.Osaka One Minute Gold: The first of the currency 1 minutes issued by Hideyori Toyotomi in Osaka. A rectangular weight. One minute on the front, on the back is a light next name and a flower pressing tick.


大阪の文化 the culture of " O O ZAKA "




京阪の白味噌も、米が いつでもふんだんにあったらからこそ。(お米が育たなかった他所から見れば、本当にリッチなお味噌です)

 The soba , which is now considered to be a famous restaurant in Tokyo, originated in Osaka.OZAKA was also established early in the soup culture of kelp by the coming and going of the Kitamae ship.It can be said that Kyoto benefited from the soup culture thanks to this.O O ZAKA was a place where all kinds of ingredients were gathered together.Keihan's white miso was also produced because of the time when there was always plenty of rice, which is a raw material.From a elsewhere where rice did not grow, white miso is a fairly rich miso.

大阪鮨 : (江戸前の握り鮨に対して)押しずし・太巻きずしのこと。



でも、高価な店で出されてたとか . . .


Oshi-ZUSHI (made by pushing a wooden shape) or thickly wound sushi for the sushi in front of Edo. The push is a beautiful finish that is elaborate enough to be called "small kaiseki". It seems to have been OSHI-ZUSHI also in Edo before the grip sushi. But it was offered in an expensive store. . . .Nigiri sushi in Edo's yat-in is certainly "holding"They were huge, cheap, and on the side of working men.

大阪俄 :おおさか にわか。大阪で,遊郭の座敷芸から発達した滑稽中心の簡単な道化芝居。大阪式の俄狂言。のちに劇場や寄席に入り、また曽我廼家(そがのや)喜劇の源流となった。

 OSAKA-NIWAKA : a farce.the origin of SOGANOYA comedy culture. 1904 SOGANOYA was the founder, an originator of OSAKA.


OSAKA-KOHSHI ; make coarse & thick crosspiece (frame) 、in that space is set oblong small size SHO-JI (set of lightweight sliding doors made ofwooden framework covered with thin paper that allows light to pass through.) It's used as boundary a dining room-cum-living & kitchen for example.


OSAKA TSUCHI : mud or clay of last coat for wall . around SHI-TENNOUH-JI temple was good quality,called TENNOH-JI-TSUCHI .It was used in EDO.

color : yellow & red mix .


OSAKA-GAWARA : a roofing large KAWARA tile . Those are used for palace, shrine, Buddhist temple.


OSAKA-DO : the sliding door of the DO-ZO.made of SHIKKUI plaster (a (usually white-washed) storehouse with a super-thick mud wall.)


OZAKA DOKU-GIN-SYU ; the collected works of OZAKA STYKE HAIKU.【新奇な】a novelidea HAIKU,【独創的な】an original idea HAIKU,奇抜な⦅風変わりな⦆eccentric HAIKU. In away,that was a defining characteristic of Ozaka culture .大坂文化をよく表している特徴 。


大阪と大坂のこと about O SAKA (OH SAKA) & O ZAKA ( OH ZAKA )

1871年(明治4)大阪府が「坂」を「阪」に改め、「おおさか O O SA KA」に読み方も変更。

81年 堺県(もとの大和国を含む)が合併され、

87年 以前の大和国が奈良県として分離。



大坂は、古代 難波(Naniwa)の地で,瀬戸内海から大和地方に入る水陸交通の要地でした。


Osaka was the land of naniwa in ancient times and was a key point of water and land transportation entering the Yamato region from the Seto Inland Sea.The rule of the shogunate was valued as a main ground.


O O ZAKA became the direct control of the Shogunate in the Edo period, the residence sown houses of each clan were established, and it became a collection place of goods of various nations, and it prospered as "Kitchen of the whole country" and "Town of the townspeople".


OZAKA-KABAN ; the ine of Job title of the Edo Shogunate. It is under the rule of old and medium, and the capacity four people.The daimyo took turns to guard Osaka Castle.

二十四組問屋 :17世紀末,江戸における十組問屋の成立に対応して大坂に結成された菱垣廻船を輸送手段とする積荷問屋の連合体。結成当初は10組であったが,享保年間(1716~1736 徳川吉宗時代)に24組に拡張され,のち株仲間の認可を受けた。

24 KUMI-DANNYA ; 24 wholesalers. of group

大坂城代 : 江戸幕府の職名。大坂城に駐在し,城の守護や市中の訴訟,西国諸大名の監視などに当たった。5,6万石以上の譜代大名が任命された。

OZAKA-JYO-DAI : Residence in OZAKA CASTLE.They worked guard ,lawsuit ,watch all Daimyo of the western part of Japan.


OZAKA KURA BUGYO : cashier / teller of rice,beans & peas.


 OZAKA-MACHI-BUGYO ; a government office .civil administration ,police ,fire fighting, transport rice collected as farm rent from peasants.


 20000石KOKU as salary ; 180L X 20000

OZAKA-JYO-BAN ; work in the OZAKA Castle guard

大坂目付け :江戸幕府の職名。老中の下で大坂市中の監察にあたった。初めは年三回交代だったので百日目付といわれたが,のち一年ごとの交代となった。

OZAKA ME-TSUKE : inspector & inspection at osaka


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