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「船場ことば」と「京ことば」①船場ことば The Senba OSAKA language


船場ことば と 京ことば

The Senba language and the Kyoto language



Everyone I know semba language?

I feel that " Cool " it,


(最近は京阪神の人々さえ あまりわかってないようです)


本当の大阪ことばではない兵庫の言い回しやイントネーションが大阪弁として誤認されているのは、(今風に言えば )イケてない、ですね。

 Not the language of osaka, for example, the wording and intonation of Hyogo It is mistaken as a Osaka Dialect.

That's not Good.


 Each word is an important identity with the history and meaning of each place.

関東人が、なんでもかんでも関西弁なんて言うのも、わかってない。イケてないですよね!うちらは関東弁なんて 言いません。


The true "semba language" is Elegant.

「船場ことば」の歴史は、秀吉時代に遡ります。The history of the "SENBA-KOTOBA=spoken in the Semba s word" dates back to Toyotomi Hideyoshi era.

1583 大坂城が築城され、船場に商人たちが集められました。


Osaka Castle was built And, merchants were gathered to Senba, and they made a large commercial zone.


 Semba merchants had a belief that they had to work hard to spare time.





The merchants thought,"We can make our customers feel good about shopping."Polite words are born from their consideration.And, they thought that they would call various names politely. And they spoke of their own cosmetic "Semba word", and it spread.


独自の 品の良い「船場ことば」を話し、それが広まっていきました。(京ことばとは別)

(みなさんも、故・桂米朝さんの、あの物言い方を覚えてらっしゃるでしょう? あの、軽やかで 勢いはありますが 丁寧な感じ 。息子さん5代目 桂 米團治が、よぉ似てはりますね)

「お客さんには、気持ちよく買い物してもらおう」大阪スピリットは今でも感じますね! わたくしは大阪で買い物する方が気に入ってます。

買い物は気持ちよく! でないなら、欲しいと思っても買うのをやめます。イヤなシーンを思い出す買い物なんてナンセンス!(京都では、買うまでに一通り自慢話を聞かされますよ。どんな小さな事も大きーく自慢するのが特徴 (苦笑)。気づいてるやら?わざとやら?京の家系を引く者として、「そろそろやめた方が良い」と思います。大阪には見習う点がいっぱい!)

"it's a good way to get customers to shop." I still feel the Osaka spirit!I like shopping in Osaka rather than kyoto. Shopping is very pleasant!The clerk who has a bad attitude stops buying it even if it wants it.It is nonsense to remember the unpleasant scene every time I see what I bought!In kyoto, you will be told the bragging by the time you buy Something.The feature of Kyoto is to boast greatly even a small thing. As the person who succeeds in the genealogy of kyoto, I think that it is "it is better to stop the boast story which is exaggerated soon". In osaka, there are many points that the people of Kyoto can follow!)

キャッチーな船場ことば いろいろ

「おいでやす oide yasu(いらしゃいませ)welcome

「ごめんやす gomen yasu」(ごめんください)Call and greet when visiting other house

「だんさん」dan-san(商家の主、旦那)the head of a family

「おえさん」oe-han(商家の女将)the wife of the head of a family

「ごりょんさん」go-ryon-san(商家の女将)the wife of the head of a family

「いとはん」ito-han(お嬢さん、商家の長女)first-born daughter

「なかんさん」nakan-han / naknn-chan「なか(あ)んちゃん」(真ん中の娘、商家次女)The daughter who was born next

「こいさん」koi-san(こいとさん、商家の末っ子)Youngest daughter

「ぼん」 bon (坊、商家の息子、こども)Merchant's son

「ぼんぼん」bon-bon(生活苦を知らない世間知らず、あまり役に立たない若造の意)(hardships ignorant son who doesn't know.Youn man not very useful ,too .)

「若だんさん」waka-dan-san(商家の若い跡取り)Merchant Young heir son

「てんご」TENGO 子供のいたずら。悪さする子に「てんごしなさんな!」(悪さするな)

Child mischief.When I scold the child who is evil, say, "TANGO SI na SAN na! !Don't be evil, listen to what your parents say.

「かいらし」KAI RASHI 可愛らしい。「ほんま、かいらしいなぁ」KAWAII lovely cute



大阪のイントネーションは「おきに」京都は「おおにー」(京ことばには 伸ばすクセがあります)



 "Okini, It's very much appreciated.

"The intonation of Osaka is "Ookini" Kyoto is "Ookiniii"

personally, I think Osaka is Better. The reason for the scale of "Ookini" is to feel gratitude Warishita from the Heart.

「〜さん」san 身近な物事への親しみ Familiarity with familiar things

天神さん ten-jin san(天満宮)これは京都も同じで「八坂さん(八坂神社)yasaka san」「くろたにさんkurotanu san(金戒光明寺)」とか呼びます。

「〜ちゃん」chan 好きな対象への愛情・愛着

 Affection and attachment to a favorite object

「おばあちゃん O-BAA-CHAN」grandmother

「おじいちゃん O-JII-CHAN」grandfather

「飴ちゃん AME-CHAN」candy





In Toyotomi era, Candy was the famous Specialty of Osaka .

At that time, Osaka is known as "Japan's kitchen".

In Osaka all food material was gathered from all over Japan.

Sugar was in Osaka in abundance. So "candy" was one of there specialty.

Candy was very rich food at the time, but candy was close in Osakan people. So Osaka people affectionately called "AME-CHAN". That theory is powerful .

好まれるお芋さん(主にサツマイモ) O-IMO SANは「さん」付けですね

初対面同士でも「あめちゃんどうぞ」で和やかにする。大阪の人のコミュニケーション能力の高さは、平和につながります。全世界が学べばいいなーと思います(特に京都はね)Amiable to meeting each other. "Would you like AME-CHAN?"Height of the communication skills of people in Osaka, all over the world can learn a (especially Kyoto people.)






 During SIBOS, world financial conference held in Osaka

Executives who gathered at the Osaka open reception and party every day , and I danced in the Banquet Hall of each every day. What they said "Osaka's best!"Great care to not put" Osaka want to live in.

In fact, This year's "world rankings you want to live" in Osaka was in third place.




To foreign tourists

Women in Osaka, especially Madame, carry candy, there is a custom to distribute the candy to the attendant of the conversation. If you got candy from Osaka Madam, that's lucky! "Let's Make Friends" Candy is a feeling of familiarity from Madame.


わたくしも、電車の中で隣り合ったマダムから飴をいただいたことがありました。たまたま、2列シートで そのマダムと隣同志になり、なんとなく話しかけました。その方はコーラスをされていて . . . 二人で、芸能のことや、(日常にいろいろあるからこそ )大きな声を出すことは健康にも大切!などなど会話が弾みました。

「食べる?」気兼ねさせない気さくさで 飴を勧められた時は、ちょうど喉が渇いた頃、絶妙なタイミングでした。

コーヒー飴 ♪嬉しかったですねー!飴を持ち歩くマダムの気持ちを知った、嬉しい瞬間でした ♪( ´▽`) 

 あのお母さん . . .どうされてるかな?



 The power of one candy is greatI got candy from next to each other on the train one day, Madam.We happened to be the two-column sheet next to the camp.I spoke to her somehow.In order to practice in the chorus, she was aboard a train. If we are the performing arts and the everyday stress loud get rid!Such talk.To produce a loud voice is good for health!We are lively conversation. "Eat one?"In a friendly way not disturbing me, she recommended to me. At that time, I was just thirsty throat.It was perfect timing.Coffee candy was glad!It was a happy moment I knew my candy to carry around at that time, Madam,. I Madame.I did not?I'm sure she still cheerfully goes to choir practice already will be. "Thank you for the hours of fun at that time. "

   (「京ことば」へ続く )

船場言葉 weblio辞書より







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