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碁は廓の教養でした "Go" was one of prostitution's education.



Minosuzu's slowly "read" BLOG

This time, "GO" and "KURUWA"




 Prostitution and Hanamachi were also called Kuluwa. The meaning of district is "a compartment in the Castle Hall, which is divided by walls, moat, natural cliffs and rivers." Because the circumference was enclosed, and it was a special zone where the prostitute shop was collected in that, prostitution was called so.

La prostitution et la machi ont également été appelées Kuluwa. Le sens du district est "un compartiment dans la salle du château, qui est divisé par des murs, des douves, des falaises naturelles et des rivières." Parce que la circonférence était fermée, et c'était une zone spéciale où le magasin de prostituées a été recueillie dans cette, la prostitution a été appelé ainsi.

 Prostituzione e hanamachi sono stati chiamati anche Kuluwa. Il significato del distretto è "uno scompartimento nel corridoio del castello, che è diviso dalle pareti, dal fossato, dalle scogliere naturali e dai fiumi." Perché la circonferenza era racchiusa, ed era una zona speciale dove il negozio di prostitute è stato raccolto in quanto, la prostituzione è stato chiamato così.

歌麿『なぞらへ八景 松の内盤将』

GO ; a Japanese board game in which two players compete to acquire more space than the other player. 

歌麿『琴棋書画 』

琴と碁と書と絵の意味です。昔 中国で「四芸」と称し,風流人の芸術的な遊びとされた。



文人画は、絵画に詩を書して落款し印章を捺すという複数の技芸を総合した芸術です。 棋=囲碁

 It is the meaning of koto and go and the book and the picture. It was called "four art" in China in old times, and it was made an artistic play of the elegance person.

They were depicted as subject.

The person who often made poetry, the book, and the picture was praised three absolute.

In this age, there was a tendency which assumed the many to be good.

School is an art in which a poem is written in a painting, and a signature and a seal are brow.

C'est le sens de koto et aller et le livre et l'image. Il a été appelé "quatre art" en Chine dans le bon vieux temps, et il a été fait un jeu artistique de la personne d'élégance.

Ils ont été décrits comme sujet.

La personne qui a souvent fait de la poésie, le livre, et l'image a été loué trois absol

 È il significato del koto e andare e il libro e l'immagine. È stato chiamato "quattro arte" in Cina in tempi antichi, ed è stato fatto un gioco artistico della persona eleganza. Sono stati rappresentati come soggetto. La persona che spesso faceva poesia, il libro, e il quadro è stato elogiato tre assoluti. In

三世 歌川豊国『妓三十六佳選』虎屋文庫所蔵








禿 KAMURO ; apprentice girl to TA-YUH ; courtesan of the highest rank.or TEN-JIN ; courtesan of the 2nd rank)が運ぼうとしてるのは、落雁だそうです。微塵粉(みじんこ)麦こがし黄粉(KINAKO)などに砂糖をまぜてこねて,型で抜いたもの。



RAKU-GAN ; dry Japanese sweets made of soybean flour and sugar.


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