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草履 ZOH-RI・Japanese sandals

日本舞踊 実乃鈴の のんびり読むブログマガジン


MINOSUZU's blog " Knowledge of various about JPN" magazine that read leisurely This time “ about Kimono's Footwear"







 でも、舞妓には まだ早すぎます(背伸びしすぎとか生意気とか)

ベテランさんにこそ 似合います。

Cool sandals of snake skin. It's my mother's.This looks good on a kimono with a sharp impression but a variety of items.It is very nice.But it's not for the general public.I guess it's for the world of Traditional things person.It is a direction to be involved in traditional performing arts, such as geisha and Japanese music performers.It's still too early for Maiko (too popular, or impudent, etc.)It suits a veteran woman.


When making kimonos to order, you can also order sandals in the same fabric.When ever the kimono is made, it is always a strap of cloth; a remnant remains.They are processed into sandals in this way.


This is a small flower-patterned sandal. It is elegant and pretty.


お花の先生から 譲っていただいた おき宗の草履です。


この日は お花見でしたが、この草履の写真をお送りしたかったので、母の本大島を借りました。(水色のはチリよけコート)

わたくしに、と思ってくださったそのお気持ちはとてもありがたい . . . ですが、まだまだ、お出かけしてほしいと切に願います。

It is ZOH-LI of the high-class shop which I gave it to from the flower teacher.Black enamel with a gold-painted pattern.It is a sense of quality as expected. It was a cherry blossom viewing on this day. It was a casual scene, but I wanted to send you a picture of this sandals, so I borrowed my mother's Hon Oshima to look good on the sandals.(Light blue dust removal coat)

I am very grateful for the feeling that Maestra thought he would give it to me.However, I sincerely hope that the teacher will still wear this and go out.


Kiyokata KABURA-KI "Summer Samurai House"


The color of the nostrils of the women in this picture represents the career of life. The younger one is red. It was a sense in Japan that the color to be worn became modest when becoming a senior.

渓斎英泉 さくら  Eisen KEI-SAI " SAKURA "


歌麿『御殿山の花見駕籠』 UTAMARO " Cherry blossom viewing of Gotenyama palanquin"


The common people do not ride in such a gorgeous lacquered palanquin.An attendant is holding sandals to a woman who comes out of palanquin.

現代の下駄 素材は桐 GETA

黒いのが夏用。昔は地道でしたので、道を素足で歩くと砂で足が汚れます。 下駄に足のアト型が付いてしまいます。黒い漆塗りは汚れを目立たなくする工夫。

おこぼ 舞妓専用の下駄 O-KOBO



長いだらりの帯で 本人をより小さく子供っぽく見せます。







It looks big, but it is lighter by cutting out the bottom.Maiko is still 15 to 19 years old.They are minors.In addition to the production to appeal the childishness, the person himself looks smaller and childish by the way of knotting the belt long.O-ZASHIKI at their work site is an adult world.I think that the consideration of the adult side not to let them do useless stretch ingress is in the costume of maiko.

 O-KOBO is also one of the productions of childhood. When maiko walks along the cobblestones such as Gion, the bells become crispy. It is the atmosphere of The Flower Town. clog thong is red.However, the color of O-KOBO without bells and clog thong changes to other than red.O-KOBO of red clog thong with bell is a proof that it is younger.

"Politeness is a beautiful and highly considerate that does not offend the other person."

Tourists who still chase around their children's maiko are rude. Shame on you!Finally, the city of Kyoto banned the shooting of maiko in Hanami-koji. Of course. Because there are maiko and geisha who were forced to fall and get injured by being forced to pull a kimono by Chinese people!I wonder if they force women in beautiful dresses on the street in Europe and the United States?

Manners are something to be taken into consideration and observed, aren't they?


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