古都 京都は盆地。夏は暑く、冬は底冷え。雪も降ります。
上村松園「牡丹雪」1944 Shooen-UEMURA "Large Snowflakes"
雪が積もって真っ白になった傘と 鮮やかで温かい赤。舞台の場面のようですね。
Ancient city Kyoto is a basin. It is freezing in winter hotly in the summer. The snow falls, too.
松園さん Shooen-UEMURA は、女性を(それまでの女性画のように)色気ばかりに焦点をあてませんでした。
(色っぽさを期待する向きには そっけないと思われるかもしれませんが。)
. . .娘の無邪気さ、妻や母の芯のある愛情や、お喋りの瞬間の他愛なさ。踊りを披露する前の緊張感 . . .ナチュラルな女性像です。
The emotion that women are natural as for SHOOEN drawing it. . . ; It is the innocence of the daughter,The love with the core of a wife and mother,Talking women.Feeling of strain before showing a dance.
When She lost dearest mother,she could not to describe a painting for a while. But,She worked on the endearment of the mother and the child. She showed deeper love to the pictures wealthily and regained her great admiration.
After all , it was the mother to have saved a daughter of her slump.
Whenever her remember way of mother during the lifetime of life, Love of the strong core mother revives vividly,
And I think that the love gave power to a daughter.
松園さんの文字と やまさくらの絵
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A Beauty in snow scene
OBI of the TAKASIMAYA-lattice pattern(Checked pattern)
The tooth of clogs for the snow is made highly.
When snow is inserted between the teeth of clogs,I hit the stones with clogs lightly and drop the snow.
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竹内栖鳳さん Seihoo-TAKEUCHIとは? 京都画壇の筆頭
栖鳳さんは 優れた才能にアグラをかかずに、常にスケッチを怠らない姿勢は、我々(どのジャンルでも)の見習うところ。
He was the teacher who cultivated(developed) more the talent of SHOOEN .
He was not negrigenced about one's superior talent,He did always sketching. We (as for any genre) will follow the posture!
竹内栖鳳 「喜雀」Seihoh-TAKEUCHI " Pleased Sparrows "
『写実の栖鳳が動物を描けば その匂いまで描く』
あなたは、こども雀と大人雀を見比べたことは?顔や 仕草の違いは面白いですよ!
SEIHOO was called "SEIHOO of the realism". "When he draws an animal, he describes the smell together "
He drew a lot of pictures of the sparrow. His power of observation is splendid.
Have you compared the difference in face and gesture of the sparrow of the child and the sparrow of adult?
Do not overlook imminent existence/Do not think that you got used/Because everyday life includes the chance to polish all senses !
Value daily life. I want to be without forgetting it.
On l'a appelé "SEIHOO du réalisme".Si "il attire un animal, il décrit l'odeur ensemble"
Avez-vous comparé la différence dans le visage et le geste du moineau de l'enfant et du moineau d'adulte ?
Ne donnez pas sur l'existence imminenteNe croyez pas que vous vous soyez habitué .
Puisque la vie quotidienne inclut la chance de polir tous les sentiments.
Valeur vie quotidienne. Je veux être sans l'oublier.
Lo llamaron "SEIHOO del realismo". "Cuando atrae un animal, describe el olor juntos"
¿Ha comparado la diferencia en cara y gesto del gorrión del niño y el gorrión de adulto?
No pase por alto la existencia inminente
No crea que se acostumbrara
Como la vida cotidiana incluye la posibilidad de pulir todos los sentidos.
Vida cotidiana del valor. Quiero ser sin olvidarlo.
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横山大観「冬之夕」Taikan-YOKOYAMA " The Evening of Winter "
『西の栖鳳・東の大観』と並び称された日本を代表する画家の お一人です。
柔らかいですね . . .冬の光・たわむ枝・花の赤色。寄り添う二羽のすずめ
"SEIHOO of West Japan. TAIKAN of the East Japan" It is a painter on behalf of Japan admired equally.
Soft. . .Winter sunlight, The branch which bends at snowy weight, The red of the flower.Sparrows to snuggle up to.
大観さんは、日本芸術の力を世界に向けて見せたイタリアでの初 日本美術展覧会を大成功させました。大観さんは東京画壇だけでなく 京都画壇の栖鳳さんへも依頼され、お二人はそうそうたる面子を揃えて、共に最高の作品を制作しました。
↑ この日本美術展について 詳しくはバックナンバーにございます
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福田平八郎「新雪」Heihachiroh-FUKUDA "The First Snow"
平八郎さん特有の ”柔らかくシンプルな表現の土台”と思われる、きっぱりとしたムダの無さ。ふんわりと積もる雪の絵からも堪能できますね。
Expression simple softly peculiar to HeihachiroSeeming to be the baseLack of decisive waste.I can thoroughly enjoy it from this snowy picture piled up softly.
この娘 お秋が詠んだ和歌を気に入った親王が お秋親子を屋敷へ招きました。
The Imperial prince liked the song which this daughter wrote.The Imperial prince invited this daughter and father to a mansion.The pickup was KAGO, but father was foot.Way home, daughter O-AKI pitied father who walked in snow, and they were replaced with him.She picked him up on KAGO.In the poor rain jacket that father wore this daughterShe returned on foot.A good story is considered to be a motif.
えいしょうさい ちょうきさんと 写楽は同時代の人気浮世絵師でした。美人画では、歌麿のライバルだったとか。たしかに傑作!長喜さんの経歴は不明なので、「実は写楽自身では?説」も。
This Author and Sharaku of this ukiyoe print were popular ukiyoe artists of the same period.In a painting of beauties, Chohki seemed to be a rival of Utamaro.Surely interesting!Because the career of Chohki is unidentified, there is "he is Sharaku" opinion.
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渓斎英泉「初雪」Eisen-KEISAI "The First Snow"
溪斎英泉 (1791~1848)
溪斎英泉は 浮世絵での”風景画”を確立させる貢献をした絵師の一人です。
The first snow of the year to dance in windIt is a woman enduring the coldness with a Japanese towel in its mouth. There is the name of the cosmetics which were popular among women in those days. It seemed to the poster. The expression of the kimono is an elaborate small design! (as well as the popular ukiyoe artist of the times)
He is one of the illustrators who contributed establishing "paysage" with the ukiyoe print.The painting of beauties was popular among him, too.As for his proud beautiful woman, strong-minded sharpness is longish.
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歌川広重 広重花鳥大短冊撰 「雪中椿に雀」
Hiroshige-UTAGAWA ”A red camellia and sparrows of the snowy scene”
広重と言えば有名なのは 風景画!
でも、このように 短冊型の花鳥図を(意外に)多く描いていました。
正面向いた雀の顔がひょうきん (^.^)
雀は 昔から日本でとても親しまれきた鳥です。竹と雀も愛されるモチーフです。
As for Hiroshige, paysage is famous!But in this wayA lot of figures of strip of paper-shaped flowers and birds described it, too."The life of the painting of flowers and birds close friendship and sense of reality"The soft snow cotton on the camellia.As for the snow, Japanese paper seems to be just made use of.The face of two sparrows is jocularIt is like some comics.A sparrow is the bird which it is got close very much in Japan from old days, and came.Bamboo and the sparrow are loved motifs, too.
鳥居清長「つらら取り」Kiyonaga-TORII "Icicle" 部分
梅の花は とても香りが良い。(梅の香りを知らない人はモッタイナイ!感性が磨けます)
何度でも鮮やかに蘇る景色は 写真を取らなかった時の風景なの、知って欲しいな。
With a beautiful woman to pick at the icicle under the eaves, and to take,It is a beautiful woman picking up the flower of the plum.The flower of the plum has very good fragrance.In Bairin, I recommend that I walk as possible calmly.When talk in a loud voice, and look down, and walk, is wonderful; pass unawares in various ways.You take a fresh and young fragrance in a body to take a deep breath.There is how to taste such taste, too.Let's make the photograph second.At first let's keep it in memory judging from your eye of the fact.
わたくしは いつも思います・・・
Flower of the plumIn a faint fragrance and circle to the fragrance that did clearly such as the spice,The charm is full of variations.
I always think"There is the perfume of cherry blossoms, but why is the perfume of the plum not made?"
『冬を耐えて咲いた花を見に行くのに、普段着ではいけません』 わたくしの母の教えです。
ですから、梅と桜は母娘 着物でお出かけします。
Then the other (⌒ - ⌒)
When "you go to see the flower which endures winter, and bloomed, you must not go in everyday wear"
This is teaching of my mother.
My mother & I , go out with a kimono at the time of enjoying ume blossoms and cherry blossom viewing.
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鳥居清長「雪見浅酌」Kiyonaga-TORII " TUKIMI BANNSHAKU "
こたつに入って 雪見酒 ♪
" YUKIMI-ZAKE " Drinking SAKE while " YUKI-MI " (enjoying a snow scene) .
How wonderful!
歌麿「江戸八景 隅田川暮雪」
UTAMARO " The snow scene of the SUMIDA river "
A woman walking carefully is going to rely on the hand of the man behind.It prevents the man putting up the hem of the kimono and from getting wet,He seems to put a hand in a kimono.
歌舞伎役者女形 人間国宝 坂東玉三郎さんの鷺娘。
This article author
端唄・春雨 能舞台にて』
『端唄・春雨 能舞台にて』
『朗読×日本舞踊×口笛 実乃鈴が紡ぐ謡曲『胡蝶』の世界』能舞台にて https://youtu.be/vHQXGM2SP_A
"DI MOIN “ ( D.WALTERS ) https://youtu.be/dGTOJyEiu1U
ご感想なども お問い合わせフォームからお気軽にコンタクトください。
I also perform at your private parties , and also talk about the art of Traditional dance of dance.
Please enjoy the experience of the dance fan. By all means, please try to see it in Live!
*日本舞踊(NIHON-BUYOH) artist MI-NO-SUZU *
MINOSUZU will appear & perform in JPN and Abroad